Monday, September 25, 2006

My First Advertisement for My Side/Wannabe/Job

Wow, that was confusing. I used to be schizophrenic, but we're ok with it now. This is my first ad. We are publishing a new Magazine for Utah County, titled "Utah Valley Seasons." We have tried to sell all of the ad space, but businesses are a little hesitant to buy ad space in something they haven't seen before. We even tried to give out FREE ads, and some advertisers balked. I offered to take up some free ad space, and this is the half pager I got. Am I ready for 25,000 hits? This may be my doom. If it is good enough, I will be flooded with business, if not, my pseudo-ego will clobber me in my sleep. Wish me luck.

More Editorial Work

My latest brain child feature spread for Tahiti Tradewinds. I teamed up with Illustrator Jon Krause out of Philly for this concept. I think it is a fun concept solution with the type. Yum! Noni fruit.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

"The Yum"

As I have posted in previous entries, Jackson and the kids like to draw with sidewalk chalk, and many times we see tic tac toe games and abstract life forms. Well, yesterday Christene and the kids picked me up from work and we ran some errands and drove home. Upon pulling up I noticed our garbage can (which sits right beside the garage door) had some kids writing on it. In great big letters on the front panel it read: "The Yum." Jackson had labeled the can. Christene and I got quite the laugh. Why in the world would he call it the "Yum?" Either he is more clever than I think, or I am as smart as he is. Either way, I found it humorous.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

No Soup For You!

[In honor of Seinfeld] I like juxtaposing two things that do not normally go together, and in this case that is kids and soccer referee. I think it would be cool to just walk down the street in this attire, and blow the whistle while flashing a red card at random people. The yell, "Yer outta here!" Sounds fun. Maybe I will send this idea to Letterman.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Sorry for mentioning "Poop"

I would like to apologize to all my fans, all three of you, for mentioning the action of me using the bathroom (#2) in one of my previous posts. Maybe if we all forget about it, it will go away. But first, I must run to the bathroom......

Monday, September 04, 2006

Secret Agent Smith

Fury toward the Aliens! Down with the enemy! Take that aqua scum! (No animals or living creatures were harmed in the making of this Imagination Series.) Jackson took my direction to a whole new level. Look out Keanu. (Just a BB gun folks.)