Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My Minute of Fame

It will only last a week (through Jan 27th), but I am happy to say I have received "Image of the Week" from iStockphoto. I actually took this series in late September of 2006, and the above photo was just granted the award. Who would have thought (not me) that I would come to this point in my photography? There are over 25,000 photographers that submit to iStock, and I am honored to have this recognition. Now I just need that dang snow to melt, and for it to come above freezing for the first time in three weeks.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

New Years Goals

I see it has been a while since I last posted something on this wonderful blog of mine, so I thought I would give an update. I am hoping to have my new photography website up and active within the next three months, so I may start my side business. I will specialize in children's photography that is themed and conceptual. So I will be even busier come the springtime. (I have to bring in the funds for my new Toyota Matrix.) I would like to thank the Academy for all the support and help it has given me. Now back to watching the Discovery Channel.