Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bandits and Balloons

This past weekend I decided to shoot some vintage Bandits in Springville, Utah with my lens baby. I continue to try to master that thing, as it is a tricky bugger. Here is what I came out with. I also tried a remake of American Gothic.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring Portraits

I had a special request for a shoot with this Latina model this past week. Something warm and sunny, colorful. I tried to explain to them that in Utah, foliage is still dead. But I tried to make it work anyway with just shooting toward the sky. And it was freezing cold. Anyway this is round one of round two, which will be next week when it is warmer. The wind was uncooperative and instead of trying to tame it, I got the model to move with it to control the hair. I am pleased with the outcome. Spring, please come. This cold blows. :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lindgren Wedding

I was a little anxious for my first temple wedding as I have mostly just done my own concepts and small groups. Ali asked me if I'd be up to it, and I said I would. It snowed for a half hour during the ceremony and I waited and grew more anxious. By some miracle or luck, the snow let up and Ali and Kavin came out. I must say I picked a über beautiful couple to start with. These images were taken at the Salt Lake Temple.

Like my name, I shoot vintage and try to capture that one timeless moment. Here are a few that I have processed so far. I may be up to doing more weddings, ahem, this sports guy—maybe. What a beautiful day for an eternal memory. Thanks Ali and Kavin for letting me be a part of it with you. Okay, back to SportsCenter. . .

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Will It Blend?

This next issue of the BYU Magazine is a fun one, and I was lucky enough to get to design this feature article about Tom Dickson, founder of Blendtec. You may have seen his viral videos "Will It Blend?" on You Tube. If you haven't, I would advise you do so. In one of his videos, he blends 6 Bic lighters. And they explode. That is where I came up with the idea of this photoshoot. Brad Slade took these photos.

Mr. Dickson as also blended EZ Cheese, CZs (street term for fake diamonds also known as cubic zirconia), and Chuck Norris' foes. Anyway, this is one of the funner spreads I have ever been a part of. Coming in the Spring 2009 BYU Magazine.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Engagement Photos

I have been doing lots of engagement photos as of late. So far, it has been word of mouth that has brought many by, and that I am thankful for. I have had fun trying out new lenses and scouting new locations. Here is a couple I shot in downtown Provo and up behind the Utah State Hospital.